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What causes market movements?

What causes market movements?

When the news is filled with headlines about market movements, it’s normal to feel a bit anxious. Here are three things to keep in mind the next time share markets aren’t behaving the way you’d like them to. Markets constantly go up and down As long as we’ve had share markets, we’ve had share market …

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The 2023-24 Budget

Return to surplus with fastest improvement since end of WW2, cost of living help but structural deficits remain (albeit smaller). Key points The budget this year is expected to return to a surplus of $4b thanks to a continuing revenue windfall. Key measures include cost of living support, more spending on aged care and a …

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How to spend without getting into debt

Is it really possible to live within your means and still enjoy life? The answer is yes and with just a few important changes you can start spending less and lose the debt. From less than zero to savings hero Debt can be a really big drag on your finances and yet borrowing to buy …

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What’s the best way to get insurance organised?

Making sure you’re getting the best deal on insurance without missing out on the cover you need can feel like a minefield. Get to know where and how to buy. The low down on buying insurance There’s no two ways about it; insurance can be pretty dull. Reading through a product disclosure statement is unlikely …

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Understanding different investment styles

When it comes to investing, there’s no one size fits all strategy that can assure success but there are some different investment styles that could help investors achieve their goals. Growth investing, value investing, momentum investing and dollar-cost averaging – these are some of the common buzzwords used to describe different kinds of investment styles …

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Say goodbye to tax troubles

Do you find yourself drowning in random receipts when EOFY comes around? Learn to lodge your tax return the easy way with these last minute and longer term tax hacks. Tax paperwork is something few of us take in our stride. In fact, the majority of people hand over much of this responsibility to someone …

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What to consider when choosing an investment option?

Choose investments that are right for you. When it comes to choosing an investment option when you join a super fund, there are several key questions you should ask yourself: Do I understand how asset classes work? What is my level of comfort with risk? What type of returns am I looking for? How long …

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Getting smart about savings

Saving money doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some people are wired to save – for others it takes a bit more discipline; but developing good savings habits can do so much for both your financial wellbeing and your future security. Just like money compounds over time, so do our habits. The more we see progress, …

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Avoid the superannuation death tax

While there has not officially been any death duties in Australia for decades, they definitely still exist, albeit under another name – superannuation death benefit taxes. As superannuation assets and individual balances continue to grow, more and more Australian families will receive a rude shock after the death of a family member in the form …

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