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Wondering what responsible investing is all about?

You may have heard about socially responsible investing – or possibly sustainable investing. Whatever the name, here’s what it means in practice. We spend a large part of our lifetime saving for retirement, with around 10 per cent of our pay packet heading straight for our superannuation fund. It’s little wonder then that we take …

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What does climate change mean for your super balance?

It’s impossible to ignore the issue of climate change in 2022. And certainly, if you’re invested in the markets, you wouldn’t want to. One reason to pay close attention could be that you hope to invest in line with your beliefs and values, supporting those carbon-reduction and environmentally sustainable practices and solutions that will help …

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Scams robbed Australians of more than $2 billion last year

Australians lost a record amount of more than $2 billion to scams in 2021, despite government, law enforcement, and the private sector disrupting more scam activity than ever before, the ACCC’s latest Targeting Scams report reveals. The report compiles data from Scamwatch, ReportCyber, major banks and money remitters, and other government agencies, and is based …

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Reviewing your personal insurance policy: when, why and how

Insurance works best when you have the right level of protection for your situation and as your life changes, so might your insurance needs. You should consider reviewing your cover whenever your situation changes, like: taking on a mortgage to buy a property having children getting married upsizing or downsizing your home getting a pay rise or …

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Is it time to spring clean your finances?

Springtime is a time of renewal, a chance to enjoy the sunshine and the opportunity to rejuvenate the garden. The same also applies to our finances. It’s a good idea to regularly review where your money is invested to ensure your portfolio remains relevant to your needs and expectations. Where your money was invested two …

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How interest rate rises could affect you

With interest rates increasing for the first time in many years, its effects will be felt by all Australians, not just those paying off their homes. In this article we address how interest rate increases may affect you, depending on your circumstances, and possible ways to manage it. Super members and retirees Super members Interest …

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Your biggest investing problem may be you

The human brain is an incredibly powerful processing unit. Every day we make numerous judgements and decisions – hundreds if not thousands if you conclude everything we do is an individual ‘decision’. As the human brain has evolved, in part due to the increasing complexity of our environment, it’s developed little short-cuts, or ‘heuristics’. These …

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Tips for Managing Money in Retirement

Aussies are living longer than ever before, with men expected to live until age 80 and women until age 85. However, an increased life expectancy also means Australians may spend longer in retirement than previous generations, and in turn, need more money to fund retirement during those extra years. When you’re retired and no longer …

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Investment fundamentals to consider in volatile times

Sharp share market falls are stressful for investors as no one likes to see their investments fall in value. But at times like these, there are number of key things for investors to bear in mind. Compounding Compound interest is magical! The value of $1 invested in 1900, allowing for the reinvestment of dividends and …

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